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Home > News > Drama Unfolds as 'Vague' Spreads Hate Speech after CODM World Championship 2023 Semi-Finals

Drama Unfolds as 'Vague' Spreads Hate Speech after CODM World Championship 2023 Semi-Finals

Author:51wma Source:51wma Published:2023-12-28

The recently concluded Call of Duty Mobile (CODM) World Championship 2023 saw Wolves emerge as the champions, with India's representative, GodLike, as the runner-up. However, the drama surrounding the event continues as Luminosity Gaming's player, Maiwand "Vague" Zai, engaged in controversial talk and hate speech against GodLike and Indian CODM esports teams.

Vague, feeling resentful after his team lost to GodLike in the semifinals, took to a stream to express his disdain for the Indian teams. He belittled the Indian pro scene, claiming that sending just two competent North American (NA) players to India would result in their domination. He even targeted Raphael "AyeoRaph" Gebremedhin, a player from Team Mayhem, stating that if AyeoRaph were to go to India, he would easily surpass the skills of any Indian player and become the best player himself.

Drama Unfolds as 'Vague' Spreads Hate Speech after CODM World Championship 2023 Semi-Finals Image 1

Unfortunately, the drama did not end with this initial outburst. Vague has continued to stoke the flames, recently mocking GodLike on his Twitter account and hinting at more planned memes. It seems that this saga will continue for a few more days.

While some individuals support Vague's speech, the majority of the community opposes this hate speech, seeing it as detrimental to the healthy esports environment. Fans have responded to Vague's comments, defending the Indian teams and urging him to visit India to witness their prowess firsthand. Additionally, they criticize him for disrespecting a player from his own region and undermining AyeoRaph's skills.

In response to Vague's comments, GodLike did not remain silent. Abhishek "AbhizDADA" Nagar, a player from GodLike, expressed gratitude to Vague, stating that his trash talk on stage only motivated the team to defeat Luminosity Gaming.

The semi-final match between GodLike and Luminosity Gaming took place on December 17, 2023, with GodLike emerging victorious with a 3-2 scoreline. This significant achievement has brought GodLike international recognition and solidified their position as one of the top teams in the CODM esports scene.

Drama Unfolds as 'Vague' Spreads Hate Speech after CODM World Championship 2023 Semi-Finals Image 2

Luminosity Gaming, known for their prowess in COD Mobile esports, had previously secured the runner-up position in the CODM World Championship 2022. Vague himself has had a successful career in COD Mobile esports, having played for Tribe Gaming in 2022 and winning the World Championship with them.

The ongoing drama surrounding Vague's hate speech has caused ripples in the CODM community. While some may find entertainment in these controversies, it is crucial to foster a healthy and respectful environment within the esports scene. Players and fans alike should strive for mutual respect and appreciation for the skills and efforts of teams from different regions.

As the CODM esports scene continues to evolve, it is hoped that incidents like these will serve as reminders to promote unity and sportsmanship among players, allowing the focus to remain on the thrilling competition and the incredible skills displayed by teams from around the world.