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Home > Games > Casual > The Pool Party
  • Introduction

Introducing The Pool Party- a fun and exciting adult content visual novel game created with gamemaker. Join a Husky and a Pine Marten as they embark on an unforgettable Pool party adventure hosted by otters. Version 1.0 is now available, and we are currently working on an exciting second route. Although the Android version is untested, we would love to hear your feedback on how it works. This game is a test for our visual novel engine and is not intended to be deep or long.

Features of this App:

- Adult Content: This visual novel app is specifically designed for adults, offering mature and engaging storylines.

- Engaging Visuals: Created using gamemaker, the app provides visually appealing graphics and animations that enhance the user experience.

- Unique Characters: Join a Husky and Pine Marten as they attend a fun-filled Pool party hosted by otters. Immerse yourself in their adventures and interactions.

- Regular Updates: The app already has version 1.0 available, and a second route is currently being written by someone else. Expect regular updates to keep the content fresh and exciting.

- Android Compatibility: While the Android version is untested, feedback on its functionality is greatly appreciated. Download the app and help improve its performance on Android devices.

- Easy and Fun: This app serves as a test for the visual novel engine, providing a light-hearted and enjoyable experience. It's not intended to be deep or long, making it perfect for a quick and entertaining diversion.


Discover a thrilling and immersive visual novel experience with this app. Featuring adult content, captivating visuals, unique character interactions, and regular updates, it promises to keep you engaged. Help improve the Android version's performance as you dive into the world of a Husky and Pine Marten attending a Pool party hosted by otters. Download The Pool Party now to enjoy an easy and fun escape from reality.


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